Thursday, December 22, 2011

Music Video of the Day! - Swedish House Mafia (Save the World)

Now, I'm not a fan of house music. Also the mob = they sort of rub me the wrong way. But the Swedes? Them I have no problem with. In a land of half naked women answering the door, artichoke roast beef ice cream and dog toilets, who can be anything but happy? Even if it is in a mildly delirious, get me out of this rain, sort of way? Well, since Wikipedia tells me that the Swedish House Mafia are, in fact, Swedish, I should be no kind of surprised that they are the makers of this bizarre yet epically cute music video. At first, I was worried that I was going to be watching another one of those back to high school, hero, violence, white dude, self-esteem music videos. But then it all became clear. O. M. G. Swedish House Mafia - thank you for both shocking me and make me whimper in delight. Oh the Awwwwww factor.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Nuttin' Honey

This post is brought to you from - thank you for this amazing quote on Angelina Jolie's new movie:

"Angie is doing all of this to sell the shit out of that In the Land of Blood and Honey movie. She's flaunting it everywhere and I'm still not going to see it. Sorry. I wouldn't even see it if she renamed it In the Land of Nuttin' Honey and re-worked the plot to be about a couple going through a painful divorce because one of them answers "Nuttin' honey" to every single question the other one asks. Okay, I'd watch it then and only then."

Amen brother.