Now, I'm not a fan of house music. Also the mob = they sort of rub me the wrong way. But the Swedes? Them I have no problem with. In a land of
half naked women answering the door, artichoke roast beef ice cream and dog toilets, who can be anything but happy? Even if it is in a mildly delirious, get me out of this rain, sort of way? Well, since
Wikipedia tells me that the

Swedish House Mafia are, in fact, Swedish, I should be no kind of surprised that they are the makers of this bizarre yet epically cute music video. At first, I was worried that I was going to be watching another one of those back to
high school, hero, violence, white dude, self-esteem music videos. But then it all became clear. O. M. G. Swedish House Mafia - thank you for both shocking me and make me whimper in delight. Oh the Awwwwww factor.