"May 22 was designated as Harvey Milk Day after Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger signed the legislation into law last October. It is not considered a national holiday; however, the state Legislature is encouraging schools to hold lessons remembering the politician and his accomplishments. Milk served 11 months on the San Francisco Board of Supervisors before he was assassinated. While Milk was the first openly gay man to be elected into public office, Mettler argued that his sexuality alone should not earn him a recognition in the classroom."We should recognize individuals based on their achievements, not based on their sexual orientation," said Mettler."
As Change.org so aptly points out: "The activist, Ken Mettler, said at a recent school district meeting, "Harvey Milk does not rise to the level of a special day of recognition." Tell that to the millions of people inspired by Milk's work for equal rights, and the legacy Milk left behind in the wake of his assassination in 1978. If the Kern High School District is interested in honoring one of California's heroes (indeed, a hero for the entire U.S.), they shoul

I mean seriously. Actively working to prevent something that the state already supports? These are public schools are they not? And the stupid vote was 3-1 with one abstention. How many people does it take to make a whole generation of local bigots? Apparently not very many. What's the big deal anyway?: It's SATURDAY!
2) And this second one is a big fuck you to Fox News. Does anyone even watch that trash anymore? I don't think I've watched Fox since the Simpsons was on weekdays in the late 1990's. And good riddance. I mean, I guess I might be a little biased since this information arrived in my email box from ColorofChange.org, but I'm guessing I'm biased in the right (uh? left?) way.
"FOX has a history of providing a platform for bigoted views and race-baiting. Most recently you helped us hold FOX accountable by stripping Glenn Beck of more than 100 of his advertisers, after Beck called President Obama a “racist” with a “deep-seated hatred for white people.”
But Stossel has arguably gone beyond Beck, echoing segregationist arguments from the Jim Crow era:
"It’s time now to repeal that part of the law because private businesses ought to get to discriminate. And I won’t ever go to a place that’s racist and I will tell everybody else not to and I’ll speak against them. But it should be their right to be racist."
Stossel went on to argue something that history has disproved time and again — that private business will do the right thing, without being compelled by laws, because no one would patronize a business that discriminates. It’s a blind belief in market fundamentalism that just isn’t in sync with reality...And recent history has shown that the public accom
I wonder why it's always white people that say shit like this? I'm sure we could debate the merits of personal choice and all that jazz, but basically it comes down to the phrase "private businesses ought to get to discriminate." I guess if that's true, we should start supplying mandatory questionnaires at the door. "Which News Network do you watch at night?" Get those conservatives out of my businesses!
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