Friday, July 30, 2010

News of the Day

This news has been making the celebrity rounds primarily due to the sheer genius of the characters involved. Ah, America. The clip is about somewhere in the middle of the country where a woman woke up to find herself under crackhead attack and was rescued by her scrappy yet lovable brother. The brother is the point of interest on the blogs, probably because the dude is gloriously flamboyant. I mean, did you hear that description? He is speaking girlspeak that I'm not even close to up to date on. I need to get on that! All in all, it's a pretty amazing interview. My favorite part is when the girl talks directly to the wannabe rapist crook through the camera and asks him what he wants because she knows that she's not pretty. I mean seriously girl, have a little more self esteem! You are definitely bangable! Usually when I watch these news segments, the middle Americans are extremely obese and/or eating hamburgers in bed, so I think this chick looks divine! And this is why my film-making practices are so low-key. You just can't beat reality!

Oh man. And here's another amazing segment featuring the glamorous neighborhood hero....

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